A bonus idea would be to add another time period like sometime in the 2000s or 2010s to enhance the grind of this game. The critique i have is that i would like to see multiplayer come into this game because i have seen many other games by you guys and they almost all have multiplayer. I love this game from the earth to the moon and dont think i will ever stop playing. The second good thing is that i have har no problem unlocking different generals and other time periods because the game is so easy to beat if you have the audacity to grind it 24/7. For the people that don’t have cellular data, do not worry because this game can be played extremely smoothly offline. Now obviously that does not apply to most people because they have cellular data which allows you to play the game regularly regardless if you have wifi or not.
The first one is the fact that it is fully compatible with offline networks meaning you can play this game with no wifi. Two good things and one potential addition. There are three things i have to say about this game. I really wish i could leave a 6 star review because i would. I have played this game for about a year now and i decided it was time to leave a review. If you do not believe me about the sheer number of troops, I have pictures from multiple play through that have been quite successful until Europe arrives. The other suggestion would be just to back down the AI just a bit. My only two suggestions would be to maybe add in a feature where you could communicate and coordinate attacks with your allies because sometimes you can be campaigning trying to get a foothold in Asia or Europe and one of your allies comes along and takes the city you worked very hard to secure and it’s very annoying because it sends you back to square one all over again. Overall, this is an amazing game that is literally flawless. It’s impossible to defend against even with the best generals because of the sheer number of troops.Īnd if you play as the Axis in 1939, the exact opposite happened because it becomes very difficult very fast to take any territory because of the sheer number of troops that the allies attack with. For example, playing as China and America, it is very possible to defeat Japan, but by the time you’ve beat Japan all of Europe is dead and the axis powers are knocking on your door with an ungodly amount of troops since they all attack as one body (Germany, Italy, Romani, Bulgaria, Hungry, Finland, etc). Every time I play I get steamrolled by the Germans and the Italians. This is an amazing game that deserves a 5 star review, except the AI is way too powerful playing as the allies in 1939. *** Conquest mode supports ranking on the Game Center *** Seamless world map and available to zoom in/out

*** Turn on automatic combat and AI will command your army *** 30 wonders of architecture and 16 landmarks

*** 175 technologies, including army, navy, air force, missile, nuclear bomb, and space weapon *** More than 100 campaigns, 120 legion battles, 40 challenge battles and so on *** 50 countries, 230 famous generals, 216 military units, 42 skills and 16 medals *** Study new technologies and improve the combat effectiveness of all units *** Build wonders of the world and unlock all kinds of landmarks *** Complete specific tasks in the city and trade resources with merchants *** Wear your generals with medals you earned to improve their skills *** Choose excellent generals to fight side by side, promote their ranks and pick the suitable skills for them *** 40 challenge operations to test the limit of your commanding skill *** The proper arrangement of troops and usage of generals is the key to victory *** Deploy your army on the field whether it's an exercise or a legion battle *** Score high marks by occupying the most territories in the least amount of time, and marks will be ranked on the Game Center with other players *** Adjust strategic objectives according to the battlefield, build cities, develop science and technology, and produce military units

*** Select any country in the world, adjust diplomatic tactics, aid allies, and declare war on other countries *** Command your army to accomplish strategic objectives within limited time according to scenario *** Experience historical moments, such as the battle of Dunkirk, the battle of Stalingrad, the North Africa campaign and the battle of Midway Islands *** More than 100 great campaigns based on history We will continue to develop and create the best war strategy game. World Conqueror 4 is the newest-released game by EASYTECH in 2017.